Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Drexel University,

You guys really know how to waste helpful portions of my day. So you finally decide to renovate this dungeon of a campus, but simultaneously inconvenience me every day on my walk to my classes and wherever the hell else I need to go. No need to worry though, at least I'm constantly breathing in fresh dust as I walk by the library or have to dodge cars when I go to the Dining Hall. I sure love living in Crossings too. The broken elevators and horrendous internet service make me feel right at home, especially when I'm canned in like a sardine with my roommate in that cave of a room (you can tell it's a cave by the conspicuous lack of light or the fused stalactite column robbing me of any space I might have had). But hey, maybe I'm crazy, but paying $1.65 a pop for laundry that doesn't actually get cleaned. Who would think that we're getting nickeled and dimed even in the place we live?!?! Only $48,000 a year!!! And for an 89th-ranked education. Boy this recession is hitting hard!!!

