Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Fuck My Life

No, I'm not about to commit suicide. It's my first Junk Mail post. I wondered what I would make this section of Dear Whoever, and I decided this would be new websites and completely unrelated shit that didn't fit into the other labels. Yeah, it's basically a miscellaneous section, but I feel like you don't get enough junk mail. Coupon Clippers all day!!!

But anyway, here it is. I got introduced to this website by my homegirl Amanda and it's the realest shit out here. Fuckmylife.com is a user-submission site where heads just write about moments where they have to say 'fuck my life'. There's nothing better than laughing at other people's misfortune; maybe your own, actually. I wouldn't even ruin the fun by telling you about the best stories. Enjoy, people.