Dear Shitty Black Establishments
Now, I've always been one to support my people, seeing that there's usually no support coming from elsewhere. I make the effort do my business at black-owned and black-operated establishments in the hope that somehow our people as a whole will benefit and for the most part will give them the benefit of the doubt depending on the situation. However, when I realize that my hard-earned (and when I say hard-earned I mean that shit) money is spent for naught, I get pissed. I get upset when niggas think that just because you're black that they can act out and give you bad service. When your English is indecipherable, you have an attitude while serving me, you smell, clearly don't care or want to care, and just suck at operating a business, I can't subscribe to it anymore. Fuck supporting black businesses when they don't do good business. For God's sake, we have a BLACK PRESIDENT!!! If that man can get to the White House, y'all niggas should be able to put a fucking plate down in front of me with a smile on your face. When you guys step your service up, I'll step my tip up.