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Dear Arlen Specter,


via New York Times:
Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said on Tuesday he would switch to the Democratic party, presenting Democrats with a possible 60th vote and the power to break Senate filibusters as they try to advance the Obama administration’s new agenda.

“I’m not prepared to have my 29-year record in the United States Senate decided by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate, not prepared to have that record decided by that jury,” Mr. Specter declared in a rather defiant tone at a press conference Tuesday afternoon. Doug Mills/The New York Times Mr. Specter’s announcement shocked Senate Republicans.

In a statement issued about noon as the Capitol was digesting the stunning turn of events, Mr. Specter said he had concluded that his party had moved too far to the right, a fact demonstrated by the migration of 200,000 Pennsylvania Republicans to the Democratic Party.

“I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans,” Mr. Specter said in his statement, acknowledging that his decision was certain to disappoint colleagues and supporters.

Wow, talk about jumping ship. After Obama's 99th day in office as President, you decided to flip-flop parties, saying that the Republicans were going too far to the right? Sure. What this looks like to me is an old fart realizing he and his cronies fucked up under Bush, and that they're not too far from getting the boot themselves. You're not fooling anyone, you elephant in donkey's clothing. But then again, was there any reason for you to stay at this point? Obama's public ratings are skyrocketing higher than GM's blood pressure. I guess if you were gonna hop on the bandwagon, now would be the time. By this time next year, we'll be well on our way out of this recession, and I guess you just wanted to be on the right side of the ring when all the punches have been thrown and the bell finally rings. No problem in admitting you're wrong (wish we could get George W. to do the same, actually). Just know from jump that your reelection chances got a shitload slimmer yesterday, considering no one likes a flip-flopper. Even the guys on the side you're going to are gonna look at you sideways. Maybe you should give up the whole politics thing and begin a career as a Fox News show host. I hear fickleness in the face of adversity is their forte. Oh, and remember to watch your back during any upcoming Senate deliberations. I'm sure the GOP wants to repay the favor of having that dagger lodged in their back.