Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear VIBE Magazine


Really though? "What's Love Got to Do With it?" Why are niggas still even speaking on this? Trying to evoke Tina and Ike to turn a profit? And at Chris Breezy's expense. At this point, it's painfully obvious what happened between Rihanna and Chris, and although there have been numerous tries on both ends to keep the issue private, there is no doubt of three things: 1) Chris Brown's career will never be the same 2) The media has way too much invested in the personal problems of celebrities and 3) Rihanna's publicity team are a bunch of idiots. For all of the publicity that this has received, not one instance of domestic violence prevention or treatment for Chris Brown has come up. Plus, it seems like no one really has their story straight out of the whole camp. The sad part is, that if Chris Brown was Chris Brown the plumber and not Chris Brown the singer/dancer, no one would care, let alone put pictures of the battered woman on the internet. But seriously, VIBE, there aren't any other stories in hip-hop, R&B or Black culture to speak on? Why is it that the negative pervades our mindsets, rather than the positive? Whatever the case, I suppose this isn't as much a letter to VIBE Magazine specifically as it is to the black media (coughmediacoughcoughtakeout). Please make a more concerted effort to have something else as a headlining story; perhaps the increasing rate of graduation from college by black students?