Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Census

What's good people? Here at Dear Whoever, we're quite the ones for free speech. That's why we want to know what you think. With that said there's a new segment on Dear Whoever called The Census. Every week, we'll ask a question, and you, the readers can answer that question at the top of the page for 7 days. At the beginning of every week, we'll show the results from the last poll, debrief (yeah, nigga. US Dept. of Labor style!!!), and introduce the next weeks poll. Without further ado, the Census:

Has the 'blog era' changed the rapper and the rap fan into that??

Grandmothers worldwide have always said that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I really can't see that happening in hip-hop, where the more things change, the more they become different. As blogs become the forefront of the information age in hip-hop, a lot of old heads (go figure) have lamented at their popularity, claiming they're leading to 'everybody and they mama' trying to rap or blog, while younger fans love the idea of being connected electronically to their favorite artists and media outlets. Old heads look at younger fans like that kid who can't put his Game Boy down to play basketball outside, while younger fans look at the old heads as that old guy in the office who doesn't know how to use computers. I can't really say that I hate blogs, because I'm on one right now, but I can agree that EVERYONE has a blog now. Whatever the case, what's your take on it? Vote in the first Census above and let us know what you think: