Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Flo Rida

Music May continues!!! This isn't some of the new blood that I've been touting recently. In fact, it's getting quite old, to yell you the truth. Flo Rida, aka Titty Bounce Boy, you really, really, really need to stop. Not only are your lyrics incomprehensible to most people, whatever you're saying probably isn't that hot considering no one really makes the effort to understand it. Your beats and concepts are always borrowed metaphors or hooks of techno songs. What's up with that? I know fusion in music is the norm nowadays, but I never thought it would be done in such a shitty way. At least Kanye made an actual song out of "Stronger." This just sounds like you're rapping over a shitty cover of a techno song, which is weak, to say the least. How can you talk about being Roots-y when you're constantly bouncing your man boobs with some no-name Playboy Bunny wanna-be badly harmonizing next to you? Do yourself a favor and learn how to actually flow if you're going to be known as Flo Rida (that's a really stupid name, too). Then again, we all need something to laugh at. It just so happens that you're entire career is a joke. Hardeee har har...