Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Jaz O

Really though, Jaz? Still taking shots at Jay? While I really have a lukewarm relationship with Jay-Z and disagree with his stance on his own legitimacy, I do respect the man's talent and legacy. You, good sir, on the other hand have been MIA for over fifteen years on the rap scene, languishing in obscurity and only seen in "Hawaiian Sophie" replays on MTV Jams. Why in the shit do you find it necessary to repeatedly attempt to burst onto the scene to sully Jay's name? Not only has this been done before (coughcoughCurtiscoughcoughJacksoncoughcough), but also it's grown less effective with each shot fired (see Officer Ricky's sales). Even if your ploy was original, what credence did you think your underhanded shots would have against the biggest name in rap this side of Lake Pontchartrain? Just because you helped give Jay a leg up, doesn't mean you can or have walked in the man's shoes. Do yourself a favor and retire off that 1980's money. Maybe one day Jay will even admit that he got his name from you.

BONUS (Jay, don't think we forgot about your Hawaiian shirt-wearing ass):