Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Spencer Pratt

Didn't know New Kids on the Block was adding a sixth member...

via MTV.com:
"I've always known that I secretly am the hottest rapper in the game," he told MTV News. "But I didn't feel the urge until Asher Roth started hitting the airwaves and — no offense to Asher Roth — somebody with some real swagger needed to come into the game. So, I'll challenge him. I'll challenge him to a freestyle or whatever."

He went on to add, "I'm the white Jay-Z in the game. I'm doing the baller thing. I'm more for the streets."

Another Music May post for the Dear Whoever faithful. This one really is too easy. I debated whether this was even letter-worthy. However, at Dear Whoever we don't discriminate on a person's stupidity based on race, religion, creed or any of that malarkey. With that said, Spencer, which one of your cock-holding bro-mancers was high and told you that this was a good idea? You really think that you're ballin like that? I guarantee that Jay's physical wallet holds more monetary liquidity than your entire net worth. Regardless if you had any skill whatsoever (it's painfully obvious he doesn't), you went about it wrong in every way possible. Not only did you alienate 90% of hip-hop by likening yourself to Jay-Z in any capacity, you made yourself look like the ultimate herb by coming at Asher Roth (Spencer didn't even go to college, so his claim at that is gone) All that street-cred from "The Hills" was really working for you up until this point. Only real rappers propose to their ditzy girlfriends on "reality" TV and throw hissy fits at their girlfriend's girlfriends. Go get 'em, Spencer. But hey, who am I to judge an aspiring rapper and his career dreams? Just make sure the trust fund is straight because when your career folds and your image in Hollywood (which you bought your way into, in the first place) is a bigger laughingstock than the legitimacy of your show, I think the recession will even hit the Hills.