Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Kid Daytona, 6th Sense & Outasight Freestyle In The Park

Music May continues!!! Attention: The Bronx officially is on its way up. 718!!! UPTOWN BABY!!! (had to rep for my town real quick) Now, all three of these dudes spit bars dripping with arrogant and witty punchlines. But in all honesty, this type of hip-hop may not be appealing to others. I feel like they might be categorized as "blog era" artists and turn older heads off because their lyrics are more pretentious than pre-2004 hip-hop. One thing they might want to work want to work on is switching up their every once in a while. When you get stuck in a lane like that, heads aren't as receptive, no matter how DOPE your lyrics are.