Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Award Tour - Spring 2009 "Born to Run"

I haven't had many clothing drops recently. It's not because shit hasn't been releasing lately, because it has. It's more that the things that were coming out for this Spring/Summer season either weren't in line with Dear Whoever, or just were wack as hell... until today. Enjoy, people...



This brand made for summer. Everything that they make seems made for fun and chilling that can only go down in the summer. The pieces are airy and lighthearted.

See what I mean?


The thing I like about this brand is that it's not trying too hard. Their "About Me" is as follows:

"There is only one message behind The Award Tour and it has nothing to do with changing the world with some design on a t-shirt.

Seize every moment that life presents to you and attack every second you are given with reckless abandon and dedication to the pursuit of enjoyment.

You only live once, enjoy those around you and enjoy the time that you have.

Always take the jump."

That hits. In so many ways. This brand is officially on the radar. If it doesn't blow soon, then the streetwear world has lost it's mind. Regardless, peep some more of my favorite pieces, and make sure to check out The Award Tour.

This hoodie just screams "fresh" at the top of it's lungs on the peak of Everest.

Their hats are a good look. Not too flashy, but showing you how creative they can get.
