Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Census (6/1 - 6/8 Debriefing Session)

Alrighty, so we got another week of the Census in the books and you guys officially SUCK at voting. No, I'm serious. You guys really made me wonder whether you can actually read, especially since this was such an easy question. Even chicks should have been able to throw their 2 cents in. But that's neither here nor there. We gotta keep grinding. Here's the Debriefing Session for last week's Census:

Kobe and the Lakers 42%
Dwight and the Magic 28%
David Stern's Wallet 0%
ESPN's Wallet 28%

So, the few of you that did vote made it clear. Y'all think Kobe and his boys are gonna be the ultimate winners this Finals. After last night's heartbreaker, it's hard to see the Magic coming back, much less winning a game. They must have had four or five solid chances to put the game away (ahem Courtney Lee, you suck) and then, I guess their bench was so thin that they were turning to JJ Redick (aka the worst all-time ACC scoring leader to come to the NBA) for clutch plays down the stretch and in overtime. I hate to say it, but Stan Van Gundy has been fucking up and Dwight Howard's been playing like the bitch we all know he is. Wrap this one up fellas. I'll leave you with this image to sum up what Orlando is probably looking like going into Game 3 and probably a 3-0 hole:

JJ's asleep, Courtney's peepin the Laker girls, and Dwight is his usual bitch-ass self...