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The Census (6/22 - 6/29)

What's up people? We got this week's Census on deck, and its pretty serious. I want to see more votes and some comments talking about it. At Dear Whoever, it's not just about sneakers, music and the such. We dabble in world issues, and this week's Census is on that par. Holla:

A Mousavi supporter being sprayed with tear gas...

Unless you've either been living under a boulder, don't have a Twitter or are just plain ig'nant, you've heard about the Iranian elections and the violent protests against its results. With reports coming in that over 3 million of the record 40 million votes were fabricated (via NY Times), supporters of the supposedly-defeated Mir Hossein Mousavi have been taking to the streets for the past week and a half, engaging in numerous scuffles with not only supporters of the incumbent winner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but also riot police and a guerilla military group called the Basij. The Iranian government, amid these new reports has been attempting to silence the protesters, who have become increasingly dependent on technology such as Twitter, SMS messaging and Facebook to organize their protests. The confrontations and the government's silence up until now have made the results seem all the more disreputable. With that said, Dear Whoever readers, here's the Census question for the week (the answers are simple too, so everyone should vote):

Are the Iranian election results fair or not?
It's too early to tell.

Make sure you vote in the tab below Dear Whoever's title, and put your two cents in by commenting on this post. The poll will be up until next Monday and we'll be debriefing this heavily, especially with news coming in every day about the election. Step your suffrage up, people!!!