Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Los Angeles Lakers Fans

Well, you just sent black people back to 1854...

Okay, so the Lakers won. Big deal. When you have the second biggest market outside of New York City, one of the best coaches ever, one of the best players ever, and a commissioner willing to take it up the ass to see you in the Finals, it's kind of hard not to win. That's why I don't understand you guys. Have some class when you win!! By the way L.A. fans were acting in the streets, you would think the U.S. opened the Mexican border for free travel. Yo, since when does a basketball team winning a championship equal you stealing sneakers? Or better yet, since when does your basketball team winning mean you start burning shit?

If you're gonna steal shit, at least steal the same pair...

Dude to the left clearly came about 3 minutes too late...

I've always loved sports, but sports fanaticism is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. Through your fanhood, L.A. fans, has Kobe Bryant ever showed up at your door and thanked you? Has Pau Gasol ever personally invited you to Encierro de los Toros? When's the last time you've seen Lamar Odom at your favorite eatery and he engaged you in stimulating conversation? Seriously fans, sports are fun, but should not be the end all, be all of your lives. Do you really want to end up like this because you decided to burn a tree branch after the Lakers won??
