Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Mother Nature


Okay, I'll be the first to say it: We fucked up. Humanity has been milking your teat nonstop for years and its beginning to run dry. We burned ridiculous amounts of oil until your skies had no protection from the sun. We littered until the very ground we walk on had to be made of garbage. I wasn't cognizant of the ramifications of humankind's actions until I realized that I haven't seen the sun in almost a week. The weather reports aren't looking too bright either, with the month of June set to break a record for rainfall and temperatures. I always thought April showers brought May flowers, not more June showers. The worst part about our desecration of our atmosphere is the fact that in the winter, it's probably going to be hotter than Satan's hot tub in the depths of hell. Mother Nature, we've fucked you up so much that you've essentially switched up the M.O. for the seasons. Who knows what to expect now? Next year's spring could bring falling leaves instead of blooming flowers. We could be seeing snow in July and the longest day of the year in January. It's absurd how much we've messed up your natural state. Global warming (or cooling, if you live in the Northeast US, these days) is no joke. I guess if we're gonna die, I'd rather by flood or solar holocaust than a nuke going straight through my umbrella....