Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Southern Hip-Hop

I'm not a hater. I think all hip-hop has its place in the musical spectrum, no matter how idiotic it may seem. That being said, what's the deal with you guys? It just seems like the South has taken up an affinity for replacing skillful lyrics with nursery rhyming and actual style and fashion for trends, gaudy jewelry and overpriced (and probably fake) luxury brands. Even the dancing in your videos has gone downhill. I never thought snap music's retarded cousin, "swag surfin" would ever make it big. Then again, I never thought Wayne would kiss another man. I respect the grind of some of you Southern MC's, but your music is sub par. It's like someone literally told y'all niggas to write the most ignorant, unskilled, ostentatious rap ever. The sheer idea of a grown man screaming "aye!" is preposterous. It's even more so considering he's rapping about pushing (badly). Some of this music seems like a joke to me. I guess all things come full circle though. Before you know it, we'll be entering another golden age, and random dances and shameless plugs for unneeded fashion accessories will be gone with the wind.