Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Palm Pre


Sprint PCS has long been the most-maligned wireless carrier in the industry. Their horrible customer service record pushed customers away, while their lackluster phone selection kept potential customers away. As a faithful Sprint customer, I felt the wrath, waiting for years for a hot phone while friends touted the newest technology. That comes to an end NOW. Sprint is releasing the Palm Pre, a new touchscreen phone with Palm's new operating system, webOS. The OS touts better touchscreen capability than the iPhone, multitasking applications with "Cards." This new phone is going to outdo the iPhone according to numerous industry pundits. Finally, Sprint will take over the wireless world, like it should (they've got 4G!!!), and I'll have the hottest phone out for once. The Palm Pre drops on June 6th (expect lines!!). Peep some video reviews of the next big thing...