Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Census (7/15 - 7/26)


Okay, I usually don't care about logistical shit like this, just because I think content should reign supreme on any blog. However, I've seen my blog gain a lot of new viewers as of late, and I want it to be easily accessible to even newer viewers, as well as make it easier to find for the rest of y'all. Also, it's kind of confusing when I tell heads my blog is called Dear Whoever, but that the url is themailmancame.blogspot.com. That said, I'm getting a new domain name for Dear Whoever (or The Mailman Came), and I need you guys to let me know what you think. Until Sunday, July 26th at 11:59 PM The Census will be devoted to this issue. Obviously, there won't be any other Census polls until after that. The Census question is as follows:

Which name is better?
Dear Whoever
The Mailman Came

You can vote in this Census at the bar under the big letters saying "DEAR WHOEVER". In all honesty, this means the world to the future of this blog, so please VOTE, and if you have any suggestions, comments or other random shit you wanna say, PLEASE comment on this post or shoot me an e-mail. Thanks for reading Dear Whoever, people. I hope you enjoy it, because I enjoy writing it...