Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Barack Obama's Critics (Part 1)

I've yet to comment on anything regarding Barack Obama or his presidency. Over the past month, I've seen the news media (coughcoughFOXcoughnewscoughcough) rip President Obama a new one, not only for his health care reform, his economic plan, his overall disposition and most notably now, his take on the Henry Louis Gates incident. These next letters are dedicated to the critics, detractors, and (for the hood folk) haters of our 44th President. Let's start with the most recent run-in, his stance on the plight of Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates.

Honestly, everyone needs to back up off Barack about this. I shudder to think about what you all would think if Obama had defended Henry Louis Gates, the plumber, instead of the tenured Harvard professor. Obama's statement, was NOT out of line at all. If anything, (and I say anything in a nit-picking manner) what Barack said was mistimed. To me, it just seems like you are all looking for a reason to jump down the man's throat. He never made any snide remarks, kept his cool, used language that showed little bias, and, aside from his own race and friendship to Gates, had no reason to speak on the issue. Obama's statement was the right thing to do. For Glenn Beck to say that he is racist simply for making light of the incident is preposterous. Do you guys even know what racism is anymore, or do you just call it out when someone of a different race says something that doesn't sit well with you?

Barack's presidency is a miracle, yes. But the discourse on race and race relations in America has a long ways to go, with people like Glenn Beck still on the air waves. Seriously, how did no one else in that room not give him a dead arm for saying something so stupid? The worst part is that for every Glenn Beck in America, there are hundreds more without Ivy League degrees and political forums to give them clout, so their prejudice will go unnoticed and unchanged. Whatever the case, Barack shouldn't be crucified for criticizing the bad judgment of racist (that's where you should use the word, Glenn) police, nor should his opinion be lambasted when it was malicious in no way. I guess when your own dirty laundry is in the closet, it's easy to call someone out when they make controversial moves...

Stay tuned for the next letter about Barack Obama's critics...