Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Hip-Hop

This is a cheesy-ass concept, but it seriously made me think. In all actuality, what artform or medium has touched as many cultures as hip-hop? We as Americans have a very self-centered view of the world, and it's sad because we fail to see the impact that something started in basements and on street corners on the Bronx has had on the world. As a medium for revolution, hip-hop is nearly unmatched. Empowering and powerful at the same time, it clearly knows know language barriers. Even as something used purely for enjoyment and merriment, hip-hop knows no boundaries. What other music can anger you, make you think, enamor you, captivate you and make you want to dance at the same time? The music is bigger than what blogs and drops and beefs can ever encapsulate, and this video solidified it for me. I know some of y'all can't see past whoever the hot artist on our shores is today, but I urge all of hip-hop (artists, fans, critics or whoever) to expand their horizons to worlds we never even knew existed, because the music has spread. Like a viral infection causing us all to nod our heads in rhythm, hip-hop is a unifier. I just hope people can see it, all the way from America to wherever in the world some kid is penning the next Illmatic. I told you this shit was cheesy...