Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Jordan Brand


Must this letter be written every six months? JB, it's been a while since I've been excited for anything from you guys, but like every other thing that has a future, 2010 is looking like a big year. Regardless, there's no excuse for such debauchery. These both look like they were inspired by an LL Bean catalog. I had no idea that you guys were going to start selling your hyperstrike drops at Bass Pro Shops. It looks like your board of directors might have finally gotten on the whole going green tip, but I didn't know it would extend to the sneakers. At this rate, I'm praying that 2010 comes sooner rather than later if you guys at Jordan are gonna keep releasing granola bar shit like this. Just hurry up and release the Infrared VI's so I can go back to not caring about Jordan's again...
