Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear LeBron

I guess getting dunked on wasn't as embarrassing as this...

It's commendable that you do your little camp every year. It's nice to give back to the kids in the community and to have other up-and-coming stars roll through and show some love as well. It's even better, when the exhibition games that they play at these camps gets serious, or even heated (we all know the shit is not supposed to be competitive). So, when word got out that at your summer camp you got dunked HARD on by Xavier sophomore Jordan Crawford, the basketball world went CRAZY. But the basketball world went right past crazy and moved on to suspicious when it found out that you whispered in a Nike exec's ear right after, and the suit promptly confiscated the tape.

One question LeBron: so what? So what if some no name, mid-major, Atlantic 10 sophomore got one over on you? Is he the reigning MVP of the NBA? Is he possibly the most recognized basketball player in the world, and the face of the NBA? Does Jordan Crawford inspire fear in opposing defenses like you do? I don't think so, Bron. This, simply put, was a bitch move. If the video got out, what would happen? There would be a Youtube and ESPN explosion for about 3 days, and blogs (much like this one) would have a field day with it. But then everyone would go back to necking you off on the daily, and wouldn't even remember Jordan Crawford other than this incident. That said, if you really had to have the video confiscated, how bad was that dunk?? Was it as bad as Devin Harris getting hustled by a British streetballer? If you need a comparison point, check the video below: