Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Sarah Palin

"You look so much better in those pornos, Governer Palin!!"

via NY Times:
Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska announced Friday that she would step down by the end of the month and not seek a second term as governor, fueling speculation that she is trying to position herself as a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
Hey hey hey, I guess all good (and kinda whack) things have to come to an end. I just didn't think it would come months in advance and with a hailstorm of jokes. To what do we owe the end of your iron-fisted, man-bashing regime in Alaska. Is the pressure of being a mother (and grandmother) making that "special" time of month even more special? Or did your hubby finally admit that being the First Husband of Alaska sucks? Whatever the case, I'm glad to see your admitting that your sizzling is outshining your steak right now. It always seemed like your appeal wasn't because you were ever that good of a politician on the national stage, but because you were simply a woman. In all honesty, to any woman running for a national position, make sure your record is spot clean, your stances on everything are clear and that your not a running partner for a sinking ship. And also, make sure that a porn star doesn't bear an eerie resemblance to you...