Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Glenn Beck

via The Huffington Post:
Glenn Beck returns to Fox News Channel after a vacation on Monday with fewer companies willing to advertise on his show than when he left, part of the fallout from calling President Barack Obama a racist.

A total of 33 Fox advertisers, including Walmart, CVS Caremark, Clorox and Sprint, directed that their commercials not air on Beck's show, according to the companies and ColorofChange.org, a group that promotes political action among blacks and launched a campaign to get advertisers to abandon him. That's more than a dozen more than were identified a week ago.

I guess your confident indignation is making you lose more than viewers Glenn. This week marks three weeks since you called the President of our nation a racist, and questioned his affinity to white people. Honestly, you couldn't have made a situation like this up. The confused stares around you did nothing to quell the idiocy spewing out of your mouth. Not once did the thought cross your mind, that maybe, just maybe, what you were saying was out of pocket? I mean I know FOX has racist undertones, but this is ridiculous. Corporate America had to take notice, which is even sadder than your comments themselves. I guess this is just the state that we're in as a a nation. Everyone is on pins and needles about changes to the status quo of the government, and even the pundits don't know what their limits should be. Sorry you had to be the first sacramental pig for the new awareness of racism that the national press is undergoing, but somebody on FOX had to get nabbed after a decade of disinformation. Hopefully there are some conservative consumer companies willing to take that attitude into their advertising plans, though something tells me you won't be on TV for much longer...