Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Jay-Z

Can somebody say irrelevant? I certainly can, and Jay, you should be thinking the same thing after leaking this track. Because it sure as hell seems like you're searching for relevancy. By adding Drake to this song, but also by writing the song about things that you are "off", you've only proven how far off you are. Jay have you ran out of ideas for songs? I guess cocaine raps don't work when you're the CEO of a new label and have Oprah busting a nut off you're cologne. Think about it; the king of cosigns needs a cosign from a newcomer for anyone to even listen to the track. What's even worse is that the newcomer (Drake) doesn't even have a verse on the track. So Jay, what you're saying is that you can have the hottest MC to come out in years, but wouldn't let him outshine you on your own song? I hope not, because that would be a sad day in hip-hop. After getting killed on the first single by one of your own artists, you shave off the single with Nas that EVERYONE wanted to hear, and replaced it with Drake, only to not let the man spit a verse in fear that he'd kill you as badly as Kanye. Gee golly Jay. You sure are making this album more of a big deal than you are at this point. Being the king of the game doesn't mean shit if you're acting like a pauper while you're on the throne. Hopefully someone is saying 'long live the king', because I sure as hell want to see who's heir to the throne...