Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear NBA


via USA Today:
Beginning this season the NBA will let teams sell ads on their practice jerseys, says deputy commissioner Adam Silver, who adds the league is continuing to explore the issue of ads on game jerseys.

"We are operating a diverse business all around the world," Silver says. "(The sponsored game jersey) is a well-established practice in other countries. Ultimately, I think our fans will come to accept it."

I really hope that you guys know what you're doing. Clearly, the recession is hitting and teams are searching for cash harder than fiends search for rock. In all honesty, I think it's stupid to do this now considering the recession is starting to turn around and that most of these companies you'd advertise would be failing. Think about it. The only reason that advertising on football (soccer, you Yanks) shirts is so successful is because advertising is on a completely different echelon in Europe than it is in America. Viral marketing is now old news on the other side of the pond, whereas we're just starting to understand it. I know the ads would only be on practice jerseys, too. Nobody, or nobody that would be buying a Gillete razor or a T-Mobile phone, watches NBA practices. So, what's the point, really? I guess David Stern has a few more "debtors" he has to pay off after the Finals played out sans-LeBron...