Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Stephon Marbury

Dog, you are LOSING it. And not losing it in the Dennis Rodman sort of way, where he's a weirdo OFF the court but shits on people ON the court. You're not even losing it in the Michael Vick way, where legal troubles screw your playing career up. No, no, no. This is losing it in a way that only taking drugs OTHER than marijuana can. Are you sure you haven't been catching another kind of "rock" in your off-time between being released by the Knicks and getting picked up by the Celtics? Are you sure you haven't been spending a little too much time on the wrong side of Coney Island? I sure hope not. Because it's looking more an more like you're taking a sharp turn down Skid Row these days. I don't even know what kind of rock you were smoking to decline the Celtic's offer for this upcoming season? It's sad that no one's offered you anything since. And I'm not even making this shit up. Only the craziest of fiends would get a tattoo like this...

Tyson got over his, but Marbury's just begets a whole new world of loco...