Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day

Sequels always mess up the first movie in some way. I'm not even lying. Find me a sequel that hasn't changed your opinion of the first in the slightest negative way, and I'll find you a negro polar bear living in Argentina. The Boondock Saints is one of the biggest cult classics ever. It's lackluster performance in theaters relegated the shoot-em-up story of brother vigilantes to word of mouth, where all the real buzz showed up. The sequel looks promising (doesn't every trailer?), but I can't help but think that the story ended on a good note in the first movie. I don't know how they could possibly one up the first, but regardless, I will probably be seeing it. Check out the trailer for Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day, which hits theaters October 29th...