Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Hip-Hop Bloggers

This is why some people should just stick to behind the scenes work. Or better yet, this is the reason why some hip-hop blogs SUCK and others continue to grow. J. Cole is a smooth operator for taking those questions in stride like he did, but the interviewer was clearly baiting him. Is this what hip-hop blogs have come to? Fishing around for dirt? Trying to spark beef because of comparisons that clearly are rooted in colorist tendencies? If so, then please count me out. Not only is it in bad taste to more or less muckrake, it also shows that as a blog you have no originality or even a different perspective on whatever 'issues' you bring up. On a completely unrelated note, what the hell kinda name for a hip-hop magazine/blog/conglomerate is Los Angeles Leakers? It sounds like a cheap-ass porn production studio, complete with sketchy mustaches and faulty STD reports. Not to say that whoever is conducting this interview is an idiot, but I'm pretty sure they've run out of topics to deal with. Perhaps it's time to go back to the drawing board on this one...