Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear World Bank


via Times Online:
The World Bank is spending billions of pounds subsidising new coal-fired power stations in developing countries despite claiming that burning fossil fuels exposes the poor to catastrophic climate change. The bank, which has a goal of reducing poverty and is funded by Britain and other developed countries, calls on all nations in a report today to “act differently on climate change”.

It says that the world must reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, but it is funding several giant coal-burning plants that will each emit millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide a year for the next 40 to 50 years.

Really, guys? This is how we 'go green'? By investing more money into nonrenewable energy? See, this is the exact type of bass ackwards-type thinking that's gonna end up with us having a solar holocaust because the hole in the ozone layer is bigger than Tila Tequila's forehead. No seriously, reading this story made me upset considering I am (for once) trying to reduce my own carbon footprint. I know recycling isn't that big of a change, but every little bit helps. That little bit might not be enough though, considering you guys just added about 50 years worth of smog to our atmosphere with this new investment. The worst part about funding these 'carbon dioxide plants' is that most of them will be located in developing countries, where damn near all of our oxygen is coming from! That makes soooooooo much sense, guys. Let's put the cigarette in the lung that's NOT infected with lung cancer and emphysema. Oh, no better yet, let's shine ultraviolet light right down on the fair-skinned, skin cancer-susceptible patch of flesh that we just happened to miss with sunblock. Seriously, I hate when politicians pass crap laws and allow amendments that go right under our noses. You guys are no different. So what if you issued a report saying that we have to reduce dependence on fossil fuels? What's the point if you're doing the exact thing you say we SHOULDN'T do? I've had it up to here with world leaders destroying our planet under ridiculous pretenses. If you see a spaceship on it's way to the Moon, you know where to find me...

PS: Allowing this motion to pass not only shows sheer inconsideration for the poor of this world, it shows how short-sighted world politicians are today. I get more and more disillusioned with the state of our world by the day, and to tell you the truth..