Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Beanie Sigel

Mad videos.. But it had to be done...

Okay Beans, let me say first off that I respect you as a rapper. You're highly underrated in an era where vapidness is the fastest road to platinum plaques. I always knew that your albums didn't get nearly the amount of promotion that they needed, but as usual, the bullshit side of the industry was swept under the rug in your case. That said, when I hard your Jay-Z diss song, my first resolves was 'So?' Beans, you're about 4 years too late in your newfound chutzpah. You say that Jay wasn't dealing you right and wouldn't promote your album. Since when is it his prerogative to promote your album? As much as the man did head the label and your crew, at what point do you as a rapper say 'Hey! Maybe I should grind out MYSELF!' Look at it this way. No one gave Jay-Z his career. In 1994, Dame Dash and he were selling Roc-A-Fella records from the trunk of Dame's car, not waiting for another dude to put them on. In fact, any grossly rich person on this planet (with the exception of Bill Gates & Warren Buffet; c/o Devin) has to have some degree (some with a HELL of a lot more than others) of griminess to them. In today's age of deception and fineprint, YOU have to be responsible for your own fate. Instead of being tight after the fact, now that you know your career is on the rocks, you should have been promoting the hell out of your damn self. State Property had some serious talent in it. And yes, it is a shame that Jay promoted himself more than he promoted you. At the end of the day, you have to realize this: If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. That's not just a saying; it's the truth. It's just sad you had to wait 10 years to figure that out...