Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Disillusioned Adopters

I'm gonna come right out and say it. Race has nothing to do with this. Nor does ethnicity. In the vast matrix of variables and factors that deal with maternity and infancy, this could have literally happened to ANYONE. I'm sick of people making racial issues out of things that should be minimized and minimizing things that should be racial issues. Anita, don't take the scoffs of ignorant detractors seriously. In the 'other' animal kingdom (I say other because humans are very quick to dismiss themselves above animal status), it's not rare to find mothers rejecting their young, either eating them, or leaving them because of weakness or their own incapabilities. Why then, is this woman getting so much flak?

It's not as if she's treating the baby like a commodity. She would much rather give that little man up than give him a half-assed life with a mother who he was simply not vibing with. Whether it was race or not in the baby's mind, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell when two people (no matter what the relationship) are not meant for one another. Anita, your maternal instincts are better than you are being given credit for. What's funny is that she already has five biological children of her own. If anything, the adoption agency should have told her to fall back. Where are the families with no children jumping for adoption? Are Angelina Jolie and Madonna a bastion of the adoption industry today? Stories like this only open Pandora's Box of mystery when dealing with touchy issues. Regardless, it's good that there's now a precedent, so that the next time an adoptive mother decides she doesn't want a baby anymore, we can call bullshit on her faster than she adopted the little critter...