Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Nicki Minaj's 'Assets' - Real or Fake?

Okay, it's not that often that my posts delve into something as crude as the validity of a woman's breasts and butt. However, this is Nicki Minaj we're talking about. For the past few months, this woman has been making dudes salivate at the mere drop of her name. And let's not mention any of the infamous pictures detailing the girth of a certain orifice of hers. Regardless of her sexual organs, there's been an assload (pun intended) of debate as to whether Nicki got surgery to enhance herself or not. In fact, with the release of Chris Rock's 'Good Hair' black people have been paying a lot more attention to the difference between real and fake (why is it that we only talk about women? I'm sure there are some rappers out there who have gone under the knife for vanity purposes) My guess: If it wasn't there before, it probably started off in a chemical factory somewhere. Now, that's not to say that she definitely had surgery. That's just my inherent doubt. For all we know, that Queens water may have done something extraordinary; or maybe Nicki was just a late bloomer. Who knows? What is evident is that shorty was not packing as big a punch in the recent past. What do you guys (especially the ladies) think of Nicki Minaj and her 'assets'? Real or Fake? By the way, the music in that video does the subject at hand more justice than anything. Check the video...