Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Babies (2010)

There are certain movies that you can't help but smile at. This is definitely one of them. I've watched the trailer at least 5 times now, and even my mother wants to see it now. Babies follows the first year of life for four babies around the world. They're located in Japan, Mongolia, Namibia, and of course the US of A. The social and economic implications of the movie will be incredible, as we see how in some countries (I'm not even gonna say which ones), the standard of living is low, and child-rearing is difficult. Raising a child might seem like it is the same everywhere, but Babies will serve to debunk that myth visually. This reminds me a lot of Earth, just with people. There's no word of a release date, so keep your eyes peeled for updates...

PS: Just researched a little more and the movie's coming out on April 16, 2010.