Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Freestyle Friday on Monday (from 12/21)

Yeah, I know, it's not Friday, but I couldn't let another day go by without some freestyles to lace you guys with. Don't worry, I'll have another one this Friday. Anyway, the first on is from Cory Gunz, who needs to drop a damn album already! He goes in for about 5 minutes straight. It's actually insane how this guy spits. It doesn't even seem like he's trying sometimes, which is why freestyles like this are DOPE. The second one is from another favorite of mine, Illecism. Illy hails from California, and has BARS (and really bad hair; sorry Illy). When I say BARS, I mean lines that will handcuff you and make you rewind the entire video. The actual freestyle is in the last 2 minutes (8:40), so skip that whole interview (it sounded like bullshit anyway) Please check this man out. He is disgusting...