Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Mixtapes of the Year (6-5)

Honestly, this was a hell of a year in terms of music. So many new artists showed their talents through sound, and it was easy to get lost in the shuffle (get it?). We saw Drake, Wale, KiD CuDi & J. Cole all get their time in the limelight. All over the blogosphere, I'm seeing everyone's top 10, or 5 or whatever, mixtape lists, and I'm seeing the same fucking mixtapes over and over again. That doesn't sit well with me.What about all the artists, and more importantly, mixtapes that flew under the radar? What about the mixtapes without the huge promotion and big name features? What about those mixtapes you DIDN'T hear? Those questions end as we enter the new year. Dear Whoever is listing it's top 10 underrated mixtapes, as well as the #dopetracks (my Twitter fam knows I love that hashtag). We'll cross two names off the list every two days, and end next week with the most underrated mixtape of the year. Check out who chimed in at numbers 6 and 5, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for numbers 4 through 1...

6. Pac Div - Church League Champions


Pac Div - Church League Champions

We the Champs
Pac Div
Young Black Male

They say the West Coast is dead. Lies. Pac Div (formerly known as Pacific Division) is the first group from that side that has gotten East Coast heads such as myself (yeah I have that bias) hyped. Their mixtape Church League Champions mixes a basketball theme, hard-knocking beats and witty lyrics from start to finish. On tracks like 'Pac Div', they espouse themselves as 'cool with the thugs', but never to be grouped in with hipsters. They straddle the line perfectly and don't disappoint on any tracks. Making the cut as a group is hard, but Pac Div made it look easy with this work...

5. Outasight - Further (Free LP)


Outasight – Further (Free LP)

Catch Me if You Can
Don't Say Anything
Brand New Day
Downtown in My Mind
Stranger than Fiction

Here's another tape that more or less came out a week ago, but I really don't think heads know what to think about Outasight. It's an LP, but in this day and age, if it's free, it's a mixtape. People have heard him rap, and people have heard him sing, but this is the first complete work from the man that blows everything out of the water. Outasight takes musicianship 'further' with this offering. There is a lot of acoustic production, which works for his sound. Also, the LP does a good job of mixing up genres, so that you don't try and classify Outasight. Oh yeah, and this is yet another NOTHERGROUND artist gracing the list. If the 6th Sense beats aren't enough, then Outasight's lyrics and voice should make you a fan...