Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Nike Shoes Make Music

The disclaimer at the end will not keep most people from trying to do the same thing... the same way that Dragon Ball Z being a cartoon didn't keep most 10 year old boys from trying to bring out their Chi like Gohan. Anime nerdiness aside, Nike+ and Nike Free teamed up with the breakbeats (beats to break to) crew Hifana to make this spot. Using 12 pairs of sneakers that they twisted and hit, the Japanese duo cooked up a beat to behold. The commercial shows at the end a runner syncing his Nike Free sneakers and the Nike+ iPod system, so that he could track and view his running stats on his iPod. Probably wouldn't buy it, but the commercial will definitely get about 100 more spins...

#shoutout to Meezyy and John from SwaggerDap