Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Freestyle Friday (6/11)

Friday means freestyles and I've got two extra dope ones today for you guys to bump while taking a break from watching the World Cup. The first one is by XV on Tony Touch's radio show, and he. goes. IN. When I say that, I mean, the man has quotables for days in the freestyle. From referencing home & garden magazines to masterful asyndeton (look that shit up), he rips it. I'm still listening to this one, to tell you the truth. The second freestyle is from the homie Emilio Rojas over J. Cole's over. Cole is kind of pissed that the instrumental made its way onto the interwebs, but I suppose when you have cats like Emilio out there doing the beat justice, can you really be mad. Emilio makes his case with a flurry of quick-witted punchlines and ruminates about whether crack raps have gotten obsolete. I kind of agree with him on the latter point, so the freestyle hits home extra hard these days. Check out both freestyles and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...