Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

i-sound Transformable Earphones


Earphones are a necessary evil for those of us who want to take our music with us, but don't want clunky headphones to weigh us down. Earphones are cheap, provide good sound quality and are portable. Yet, one of my pet peeves about them is how easily that misshaped earphones can fall out of one's ear, or just provide bad sound because of their placement. The good people over at Yanko Design picked up a new way to create earphones, which puts a simple cord loop on the earphones so that they can wrap around your ears and hold the earphone in your ear. It's the simplest of tweaks, but it does so much for the design. It's a shame Sony or one of the big electronics companies didn't come up with this idea. This could easily replace those crappy molded plastic earphones that itch and make your ear hurt after a while. Check out some different views of the i-Sound Transformable Earphones...

