Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Census: The Unwritten Rules of Texting

#shoutout to Mashable for the interviews in Union Square...

We all text. Don't deny it. Since the advent of the smartphone (ie: Blackberries, Palms, iPhones, etc.) a few years back, texting has become almost ubiquitous. My mother texts me now (can't get my pops into it) and I don't think it's weird. Hell, I'm texting someone right now as I write this post. People have become so used to texting that phone conversation has taken somewhat of a backburner to rapid-fire fingers and day-long texting conversations. With such a reliance on the relatively new technology (the first text was send in December 1992), it stands to ask what the normal etiquette for texting is. The fact of the matter is, that with every type of communication comes a set of do's and don'ts that informally govern that communication's use. For the traditional house phone, I know if you called my home after 9 (and weren't an immediate family member, or in grave danger) you would be getting an earful. When it comes to e-mail, you generally want to be professional with people you don't know and can loosen up with friends. Communication and its different modes bring up entirely new issues than just the inception of them. So, this week the census question is, what are your unwritten rules for text messaging? Are there certain things that can be done with texting and others that you wouldn't touch with a text? What would turn you off from texting someone? As with the Census, all you guys gotta do is comment below and let the discussion begin!!