Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Floyd Mayweather

Yeah, we hear it too, Floyd.. It's your legacy going down the toilet.

I've only followed boxing for the past 3 years, but in my studies of the sweet science, I've noticed a disturbing trend: Boxing has no greats right now. By that, I mean there are no fighters that transcend the sport anymore. We don't have Ali's, who go against the grain by resisting the law of the land. We don't have Jack Johnson's, who break the color barrier in different facets of the sport. We don't even have George Foreman's who eschew the sport during retirement to start successful cooking appliance businesses. Instead, we have you: Floyd 'Money' Mayweather. Now, Floyd, I'll admit, I wasn't your biggest fan, nor will I ever be. Yet, up until now, I respected your work in the ring. You, to my chagrin, are a force to be reckoned with when you put the gloves on and step into the squared circle. No one can take that away from you. But Floyd, when you get out of the ring, I can honestly say that I can't stand you. Let's start with an issue I wish you would have resolved months ago: your Detox-esque fight with Manny Pacquiao.

Boxing is one of the biggest teases in the sports world. Fighters talk tough constantly, and sometimes never get into the ring to put fists behind their words. Floyd, you've basically set a new precedent for ducking a fight. First of all, you more or less tried to make Manny Pacquiao look like a juicer, which to my estimation, couldn't be further from the truth. From slander in the press to slick talk during your show (for a fight that should have been with Pacquiao), you ran your mouth faster than Bolt's 100-meter dash. You droned on and on about Pac's unwillingness to commit to your Olympic-style drug testing. Second of all, when Pacquiao finally bit the bullet, put the money up and agreed to your stipulations, you declined comment, and didn't even attempt to sign for the fight. After all of that jibber-jabber, in which you defamed the man as a steroid user, and after he agreed to your cockamamie testing, you In my eyes, that is easily the most cowardly move I've ever seen committed in boxing. Pac-Man was ready. He was ready to fight you and prove he was the best in the world, a claim that you vehemently give yourself, yet are now unwilling to defend. What does that say about you, Money, if you don't put your money where your mouth is?

Thirdly, Floyd, where in tarnation did you get off coming out with that racist, small-minded, inanely cocky rant about Manny Pacquiao? You sounded like a Grade A COON (I believe I'm well within my rights in saying that, given the situation) and pretty much made yourself out to be dumber than a rock with those 2nd grade insults. Pac isn't even Chinese, nor does he look like he can cook. That you felt it necessary to mock the man on his heritage (albeit in an ignorant, misinformed manner) is beyond detestable, Floyd. Either you were on the same cocaine Soulja Boy and KiD CuDi are on, or you seriously need a new PR man. Your staffing is neither here nor there, though. The point is, if you're going to be an arrogant prick out of the ring, at least prove your worth in the ring. Note that Pacquiao hasn't uttered a peep about you, much less about the fight between you. My guess is that he's biding his time, waiting for you to finally get in the ring with you. Though I might be alone in this opinion, I seriously believe he will wipe the canvas with your carcass, if you ever muster up the cojones to fight him.

Now on to different matters. Floyd, the recent news of your criminal charges for apparently roughing up your child's mother and former girlfriend, Josie Harris, made me sick. Though I'm never quick to believe gossip sites and the banter they broadcast daily, something about the words 'I'll beat your asses if you call 911 and/or leave the residence' sound very Mayweather-esque, don't you think? Now, I'm no legal counsel, but it would seem as if you've gotten yourself into a bit of a rough patch. Come on, Floyd... Eight criminal charges, four felonies and four misdemeanors? You easily broke Tyson's record of run-ins with the law, simply because you thought the woman was dating an NBA player. What were you thinking? No amount of money, championship belts or cameos in 50 Cent videos will ever be able to erase this from your board. It's because of incidents like that, that I believe boxing doesn't have any greats. If you're the best that American boxing has to offer, then I shudder to think who the worst are. It's not enough to gain success in the ring. You've got to perpetuate it outside of the ring in your manners, your affect and the way you carry yourself. Money can't buy class, and that goes for nicknames and wallets, Floyd...