Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Child Rebel Soldier - Don't Stop!


Child Rebel Soldier - Don't Stop!

In 2007, Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco and Pharrell recorded a song called US Placers, under the group name Child Rebel Soldier, which set the internets ablaze. The beat, by Skateboard P was a minimalist piano and snare-laced instrumental where the three waxed philosophical about the ills of their combined riches, dropping rhymes like dimes (10 e-points to whoever knows that reference). Now its 2010, and up until yesterday that was the group's only known recording, and a project standing in the Detox-mold, maybe never to be released. Lo and behold, Kanye has not left the CRS faithful down in his GOOD Friday series, dropping a track with one of the funkiest beats I've laid ears on in a while. Reminiscent of mambo and salsa music, Don't Stop features CRS going, as we say, dumb. P actually raps again, and he sounds refreshed from not having spit a bar on wax in a while. Lupe (the best verse in my opinion) then jumped on, riding the beat and fitting more words and wordplay in one line than a lot of songs. Ye gets the beat switch-up and does it justice with a few hilarious punchlines. All in all, I'm trying to hide my excitement for this project (apparently, you can't like something without being a d*ckrider), but this track is great. Check it out and enjoy a GOOD Saturday...