Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Waiting for Superman

While I can never say that I'm uneducated, there were points in my life that I can look back on and say that the educational experience wasn't all it can be. And I'm sure a good amount of my peers can say the same thing, some to an extreme degree. That said, all we can hope for is that the system will improve for future generations. Also, we can aspire to create an environment where learning and not test scores are the goals. In 'Waiting for Superman', the educational system is put under the limelight as filmmaker Davis Guggenheim shows the moments leading up to a school lottery. In the struggle to attend the best schools in their cities, families are entered into a lottery for spots at a prestigious academy. That story is juxtaposed with an examination of how the United States' education system is failing and falling behind the rest of the world. Just speaking to kids younger than my generation, it's obvious that their educational prospects and overall academic intelligence is waning. Kids are being taught to be cogs in 'the system' rather than leaders and it's showing in all facets of American society. Why a movie has to be made to reveal these iniquities is beyond me, but I suppose whatever medium works, works. Check out the trailer, and GO SEE THE MOVIE! For every ticket, $15 will be donated to a school of your choosing. Seriously, people...