Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Amar'e Stoudemire


This time last year, the New York Knicks were 8-16, and in the midst of yet another season ready for the toilet. D'Antoni's defensive deficiencies were killing the team and there really didn't seem to be a leader in the locker room. David Lee was having another All-Star season, Al Harrington was still underwhelming and Tracy McGrady was the most expensive bench rider in the league. Needless to say, the Knickerbockers were in dire straits, with their sights focused more on the summer of 2010 and the LeBron-athon more than the Playoffs. We all know what happened. LeBron took his talents to the Miami Wades with Chris Bosh, and your name was next up. I think you always knew you wanted to be in a big market like New York. That LeBron eschewed the opportunity opened the door for you to be the wrecking ball you are right now.

Amar'e, when you announced that the New York Knicks would be signing you, I secretly prayed that it was a 2-for-1 deal and that Steve Nash was coming too. Your talent's always been a bright spot, but your attitude and ability to be 'the Man' have always come into question. The past two games against the Celtics and Heat brought those issues right back to the forefront.

My beef with you, STAT, is that with all of that athletic ability, you've made no strides on the defensive side of the ball since you've gotten to the league. Yes, you block shots and get a steal here and there. But at the end of the game, when the team needs a stop, much like the game with Boston, you can't be counted on. And I'm not talking about the last possession either. There were times that you let Kevin Garnett, and (in the Heat game) Chris Bosh make you look worse than LeBron's hairline. Your footwork sucks, you don't make good rotations and rarely do you crash the boards like you should on defense. It makes your game incomplete. As a matter of fact, I think if we fused you and Dwight Howard (Dragon Ball Z-style) I think we'd have the greatest big man ever on our hands. That just goes to show you how offensively gifted you've gotten.

Defensive mishaps are sooooo much worse in slow motion...

Amar'e, I won't lie, you've injected a hell of a lot of energy in to the Garden this season. For the first time in years, I think people are interested in Knicks basketball without it being a punchline to a joke. Your play is a big part of that, but won't mean anything in the long run if you don't round your game out. Maybe D'antoni is to blame for your lack of defense. Maybe you sincerely have tried to become a better defender. scoring 30 points per game doesn't mean a damn thing if you give up 31 and the game in the process...