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Dear CIA

For once, the papers aren't blowing it out of proportion...

via Newser:
Alleged deep-cover Russian spy Anna Chapman may have been following in her father's footsteps, says her British ex-husband. The Russian-born beauty "told me her father had been high up in the ranks of the KGB," Alex Chapman tells the Telegraph. "She said he had been an agent in 'old Russia.' Her father controlled everything in her life and I felt she would have done anything for her dad. When I saw that she had been arrested on suspicion of spying it didn’t come as much of a surprise."

Her father, Vasily Kuschenko, was "scary," says Chapman, who met the Russian diplomat when the couple visited Zimbabwe. "He didn’t trust anyone. He asked me why I had chosen a Russian bride and asked what business I had in Russia, and I said none." Kuschenko is now a high-ranking official in Russia's Foreign Ministry, according to unconfirmed reports in the Russian press. British intelligence agencies are trying to discover whether Anna worked as a spy during the years she lived in Britain.

Why is it that when one goes looking for trouble, something completely different hits them? America's been at it's war on 'terrorism' for almost 10 years now. We've spent well over $650 billion on the military and even more on 'intelligence,' mainly from you, the CIA. The war has failed... terribly. We've pretty much destroyed two countries and lost a lot of favor in the world, all while putting ourselves in crippling debt. And all that while, there were (alleged) spies living among us? It might be a little too early to jump to conclusions, yet the irony of the situation is hilarious. You're not even smart enough to sniff out the security breaches in the country, yet are halfway across he world trying to regulate. The fact that the alleged spies were from Russia brings up Cold War parallels, which is eerie. There may very well be unfinished remnants of the Cold War just waiting to be unearthed, much like this. Maybe you should have been intelligent enough to have had some intelligence on shady characters like Anna Chapman. Overextending one's reach never does the job, and you guys are on a different continent. This whole 'Russian spy' situation is looking like it's going to be much bigger than we think. Do yourselves a favor. Make sure the homefront is safe before we do anything abroad...