Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Condoms

Sensis Condoms

#shoutout to Jazzy from Nerdlike for the heads up

Apparently April is Sexually Transmitted Infections Awareness Month. That doesn't take a dictionary or Google search to figure out what the deal is. While people are becoming more aware of the wonders of contraception (though condoms have been around since the 1600s) there are still those of us who aren't safe with our sex practices. Either due to misinformation, negligence or simple apathy, people still put their bodies on the crap tables with sex. The good people over at Sensis Condoms are trying to eradicate at least one reason for STI's, which is a condom being put on the wrong way. By placing tabs on either side of the base, it's virtually impossible to mistake which side is the right side. Whatever your stance on sex, remember to stay safe and protected, people...