Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Dear Whoever

Dear Readers

Replace the pencil with my computer, and you have my mind state for the past six months...

Fancy being back, isn't it? The last post published on Dear Whoever was almost six months ago. Since then, a lot of things have changed in my life, some for the better and some for the worse. Regardless, this blog was one of the things that had to suffer. Between job searching, starting projects, ending projects, reviving some relationships and ending others, existential crises, and reading obsessively, I somehow lost that fire to write everyday. It's a sad feeling. People ask you about your blog, and you have to come up with some half-assed answer or tell them you've got 'something in the works' (I actually do have something in the works, but that's another post). You try to lift the pen or type a few words, and everything sounds stupid. You wonder why you even started writing the blog in the first place.

Something changed to make me take this hiatus. I can't quite put my finger on what it was, but recently some small part of me said 'Ev, quit grab-assing and just write whatever your feel like'. I'd realized that the problem wasn't that my writing bug had gone, but that I was trying. Dear Whoever started out as a collection of rants about music, sports, sneaker culture, technology, politics, and whatever else I felt necessary. As the site grew, I found myself adhering to too stringent of a formula for posts. It started to get mechanical. After a while I had trouble coming up with content, because the letter format only lends itself to certain kinds of writing. You can't write a letter for everything, especially analytical letters with the intention of entertaining and informing. To borrow the words of one of my best friends, I turned into a professional hater, rather than an honest critic. My writing suffered because it was stifled and overly angry.

So here we are, readers. Dear Whoever is still alive, albeit a few changes. First, I'm going to be writing less letters. The Dear Whoever moniker will stay, but there'll be a lot more articles/essays/whatever-you-wanna-call-ems. Like I said, the letter format was constricting. Secondly, I won't post every day like when I started. The pressure to throw something up can kill your creativity and make my passion of writing seem too much like a job. Why post something if you know it isn't your best work? Why turn something you love into a chore? If it's no fun or uninteresting for me to write, I can only imagine how much it could've sucked to read.

If there's one thing I hope you have or will learn about me through my writing, it's that I'm a person who thrives when he loves what he's doing. I think that's what threw me off my game more than anything: the love was missing. Whether it took a six-month sabbatical, or I had some growing to do before I could love my writing again is a mystery to me. Either way, it feels good to hit that 'Publish' button again. The circumstances that brought me to this point were no coincidence, and I thank God for bringing me back full circle. That said, readers, I pray you'll support Dear Whoever like you did for the past three years. Aside from writing as an outlet, I write for my words to be read. If this is your first time reading, enjoy. If you're a longtime reader, welcome back. I do this for y'all! It's gonna be a hot summer! You know what it is! ... never mind. Let's get back to the writing...

Dear Readers (re: the Black Weblog Awards)

One of my favorite songs, and a reason to beg you guys for nominations...

PREAMBLE: I realized a few weeks ago, that I've never written a letter to you guys, the readers of Dear Whoever. That's my bad. You'd think that after a year and a half, I'd have something witty and poignant to say to the people that I do this for. I suppose when you're that focused on putting out good content, the reaction doesn't really matter as much. Regardless, here goes...

Letter readers of the blogosphere, it's been exactly 1 year and 3 months since I typed my first words into Blogger under the guise of Junior, aka the Mailman, bka Everic. My first letter was a stinging diatribe about the ills of Drexel University and the many gripes I had about the school I'm still attending. While my writing's gotten a lot less profane, it's still very cutting in its criticism and flowery in description. When I started Dear Whoever as themailmancame.blogspot.com, I never knew I'd be doing this a year from now, much less that I'd have plans to continue doing it (much more to come, people!) in the foreseeable future. One thing I've gained from writing this blog is a sense of consistency, in that, I simply need to post, or I feel like I missed something in my day. I love sharing the quirky, introspective, frustrated writer side of myself with you guys and hope you guys enjoy reading every word as much as I enjoy writing it. Blogging doesn't pay the bills (for now), so I guess another joy I get is hearing and seeing your comments. That said, it's also cool to have some accolades to add to that list of joys. That, my friends is where you come in...

The Black Weblog Awards is an online contest, established in 2005, commending the best black-run weblogs on the internets. Blogs all across the blogosphere enter to win in categories like Best Blog Design, Best Blog Post Series, Best Fashion/Hip-Hop/Culture Blogs, Best Writing in a Blog (hint, hint) and Best Blog, among other awards. It'd be an honor not only to get nominated, but to win one of these awards. That's why I'm asking you, the readers, to vote for Dear Whoever in the Black Weblog Awards. Tell your friends, co-workers, aunties, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces or whoever loves (or might love; put them on!) reading the blog to nominate www.dear-whoever.com. Yes, this is somewhat of a shameless plug. I guess one of those a year isn't a big deal. Even so, make sure you click the link below, and nominate the blog for whatever award you think necessary.

2010 Black Weblog Awards Nomination Form

Remember to insert Dear Whoever's URL into the form (http://www.dear-whoever.com) into whatever category you want, and nominate some of the blogs on my blogroll (MichelleHuxtable, The Interludes, Uppity Negro Network, to name a few) too. HUGE #shoutout to AverageBro for putting me on to this opportunity. Like I said earlier in the post, I love writing this blog, and will continue to keep the letters coming. I do it for y'all (that sounds really vain, SMH) and hope you guys love it. Thanks for all of the support!!!!

- Ev aka Junior