Everic White

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Dear Team USA

There was the Dream Team in 1992. Then there was the No Self-Esteem Team in 2004. Then there was the Redeem Team in 2008. Now in 2010, we've got the Dreaming to Dream Team representing the United States in the World Basketball Championship. I call you guys that because right now, all you can do is dream about achieving the same success of some of the other mega-teams that the US has assembled for FIBA competition.

First of all, all of the top-tier players who should be playing in the FIBAs are out either with injury or lack of testicular fortitude. That first reason can be excused, I guess, but the second one is a bunch of pollycock, especially for those of you players who really haven't proved anything yet. From Kobe Bryant to Chris Paul to LeBron to D-Wade, none of the players who made USA Basketball dominant in the Olympics are playing. Dwight Howard p*ssied out for lord knows what reason, while LaMarcus Aldridge, A'Mare and the Lopez twins are all trying to preserve their bodies, leaving the squad with Tyson Chandler as the lone center on the squad. I don't know about you guys, but Tyson couldn't put the ball in the basket if it was already halfway down. Sure he's a good defender, but not much else. The big man in international basketball is used more as an offensive weapon away from the basket, so Tyson renders himself useless on defense, having to guard 7 footers with jump shots and handles. That doesn't bode well for a victorious campaign...

Second of all, the only truly unstoppable player on the squad is Kevin Durant. KD 35 has been the only consistent and aggressive player in the few exhibitions that you have played. He's had to take a lot of shots, while averaging a lot of rebounds, and having to defend post players because of his height. Don't you guys think he needs a companion? You know... Someone who might be able to take the load off the man? If it weren't for Durant blocking shots like he's 7 feet, you guys would've suffered an embarrassing loss to Spain after leading by a bunch after 3 quarters. Durant will have the 2006 Kobe Bryant Syndrome if you guys continue this way. Either he's going to have to go off and make people look retarded on the court, or you guys face losing. The only other players I see on the current roster that could turn it on when the game is on the line are probably Stephen Curry and Rudy Gay... And that's being generous, especially for Rudy. The fact of the matter is, that there are too many 'good' players and not enough 'great' players. I'm sure you can attribute that to youth, as the oldest player is Billups at 33, but international basketball isn't about potential or athleticism... It's about consistency and experience, as Team USA proved in 2004 and 2006.

By no means, am I saying that you guys won't be able to bring home the FIBA World Championship. In fact, you guys are still the odds-on favorites. That doesn't mean Team USA doesn't have any weaknesses. Along with lacking inside presence, perimeter defense is a huge concern, evidenced by how easily Spain was able to get into the paint. Also, besides Steph Curry, there aren't any shooters on this squad. You guys will be the most athletic team on the court 9/10 times, but will be brought down by lack of skill and knowledge. Basketball is a world sport now, and the world has adapted to what we were deficient at. That not only will make the road for you guys a lot tougher, but it should make for some damn good basketball. It's hard to be mad at that, even if Team USA does end up going home early. Whatever the case, I wish you guys the best of luck. Maybe Redeem Team won't have to be reassembled for the US to stay at the top...