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Filtering by Tag: NBA Finals

Dear Mavericks and Heat

Think Dirk wants revenge?

*sings* It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!! ... No seriously, from February until June is my favorite time of the year in sports. It's all basketball, all the time. And aside from the occasional run of baseball highlights that serve to make me pull my hair out, the dunks, crossovers, nail-biting vitories and ridiculous action of the NBA is at a fever pitch. That said, the NBA Finals are here and the storylines couldn't be more ripe for the picking. This year's fight for the Larry O'Brien trophy is much more than your average Finals. Why? Three reasons:

1) You Mavs and Heat players both have had quite different seasons.

On the Heat side, you guys came into the regular season with the entire world watching for you to go 82-0. LeBron's incantation that you guys would win multiple championships placed a high bar on you guys. When you took those nasty losing streaks earlier in the season, were stumbling against the upper echelon teams of the league and were having trouble closing out games, I questioned whether you guys had what it takes. Either way, that was the regular season, and now that you've reached the Finals there's no denying that you guys meant business. After making quick work of the Sixers, defenestrating (look that up) the Celtics and stifling the Bulls, it's clear this is a squad that can compete.

In the case of the Mavs, your team had the same predictions placed on you that you've had for the duration of this decade: ehhh, about 50+ wins, an All-Star Season from Nowitzki and an early 2nd to late 1st round exit. You guys had the reputation around the league of being 'soft', and were pretty much written off coing into the Playoffs. Everyone thought the Blazers would upset you, the Lakers would outclass you and the Thunder would outrun you. But looky here... You guys are in the Finals again, and seem more hungry than ever to shake off the naysayers. You guys didn't have the high standards that the Heat had for their season, and by making it to the Finals are making people reconsider picking against you.

2) This series is going to be not only a grudge match, but also a story of redemption.

We all know why LeBron left Cleveland and why Chrissy Bosh left Toronto: the couldn't do it by themselves. And honestly, who could blame them? After seeing the Cavs and Raptors sleepwalk through the regular season like a confused Resident Evil zombie, I can say that I would've left years ago. That said, I was a stark critic on both of you. I questioned whether having to team up with your friends was for the better or worse, only to realize that no NBA team has ever won the 'ship with just one star on their team. You guys have three, all of whom had somewhat fallen from glory; LeBron with his departure from Cleveland, Bosh with his laconic performance in Toronto and Wade two years removed from having the worst record in the league. For you Heat, this series is about making good on your promises of domination and giving the league a reason to believe the hype.

For you Mavericks, this is like the NBA version of 'The Replacements'. A bunch of rag-tag veterans, cast off from other obscure teams, and Playoff contenders' benches mashed together to make a championship-caliber team. J-Kidd will be the oldest point guard to ever start in the NBA Finals, having been written off as a game-changer after his controversial trade from New Jersey. Shawn Marion and Peja Stojakovic, once perennial All-Stars in Phoenix and Sacramento, have settled into being comfortable role-players who somehow come up with big plays when you need them. Even Jason Terry, once heralded as the next great point guard out of Arizona, has made himself instant offense in Dallas after a disappointing run in Atlanta. Tyson Chandler is the definition of an prep-to-pros bust, but has created a niche for himself as a prime defender. And Finally, Dirk Nowitzki, the 7-footer whose leadership has been questioned constantly since Dallas' Finals collapse in '06 and first round upset in '07, has returned to the promised land. Mavericks, you have been given a second chance at greatness, something that few players are afforded.

3) This is a grudge match.

Never mind that Dallas beat Miami twice this season. This series is a grudge match from 2006 for both of your franchises' faces. Dirk Nowtizki, you know you've got 2006 looming over your head, and Dwyane Wade wants to remind you of it. There won't be any punches pulled here. While this series might not have any of the hatred or genuine dislike for each other that the Heat/Celtics or Spurs/Lakers, make no mistake about it. Both of you are going to come out firing. Neither of you are looking to make friends this Finals, and people are going to be surprised at how physical this series will get from the first tip-off. I wouldn't be surprised if there were mroe than a few technicals, and some extremely chippy play. The American Airlines Arena and Center (you think they planned that?) are going to be madhouses starting Tuesday. I hope you guys are ready. Play on!

Dear Lakers & Celtics

It's the end of basketball season, and while it's a somber part of the year for basketball junkies such as myself, it's good to see this season coming to a close. I guess it's only right that you two meet in the Finals. David Stern and the NBA wanted it and no other team made their case for the ship, so here we have a rematch of the 2008 Finals. I, for one, would have loved to see ANY other two teams (well, Playoff teams) reach the big dance, because you two have had your fair share of wins already. Quite honestly, I'm getting thoroughly bored of seeing similar teams make it every time. There's yet to be a Playoffs in this new millenia that has featured two underdogs or even one team that didn't have the silver spoon in its mouth at the beginning of the season. That's not to say that you two don't deserve to be in the Finals (if that was the case, you wouldn't be there). It just gets really boring. That said, let's examine both teams and see who's really going to win the 'ship this year...

The guy on the left is the best player in the world. If the other two show up, the Lakers are damn near impossible to beat...
Los Angeles Lakers

Kobe. Kobe. And even more Kobe. That's what the you guys have been sicking on the league all season. What's crazy is that it worked... up until about March. Kobe basically admitted that he didn't have a hand anymore and that his knee was turning into silly putty. And your squad was faced with the fact that Kobe Bryant is, indeed, a mortal like the rest of us (not all; I still consider Bynum an overgrown hobbit). That fact made another title in La-La Land seem a lot harder to grasp. But have no fear, Lakers!! Kobe made it back for the Playoffs and, though you guys struggled at times during the Thunder series, made quick work of the Jazz and Suns. That said, the Celtics will be the toughest team you have faced in a WHILE. Their front line is a bunch of men who look like they eat children and broken dreams, while their backcourt is full of finesse.

For you guys to win, two people other than Kobe have to show up, and in a big way: Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom. Those two are the only other players who have it in them to be DOMINANT. And I say that cautiously, not only because dominance takes many forms in basketball, but also because both players are known to have soft demeanors. When Lamar Odom Kardashian is dominant, he could be one of the best players in the game, given his skill set. Gasol on the other hand is the unsung hero of sorts. He's been an All-Star forever, though he defers to Kobe more often than he should. I bring these two players up because when your team won last year, it wasn't because Kobe went off for 45 every night. It was because there was a concerted effort for all of your players to put in the extra bit that Kobe can't do when he's off scoring at will and making people look retarded. Don't get me wrong. If Bryant plays badly, you guys lose. Point blank. But if Odom, Gasol and every other role player on that squad fills in the gaps, you guys will be hard as hell to beat...

It's been the Big 4 all season.. Will all 4 come up big again??
Boston Celtics

Now, to you guys... the story of the Playoffs in my opinion. Your team was considered dead in the water at the end of the season, limping into the postseason with some pretty ugly home losses on your record. Look at you now! After rolling over the Miami Wades in the first round, dethroning King James in the second round and turning Superman into Clark Kent in Orlando, you guys look to be on a streak. This playoffs, you more or less took out the teams of the three best players in the Eastern Conference, and did it in grand style. But while the Lakers got there on the shoulders of their lone superstar, you guys did it with good, old-fashioned teamwork. When I look at your stats from the Playoffs, there isn't a player that sticks out to me on paper. In fact, besides Rajon Rondo, none of you have been overly-consistent. But that's the beauty (GAG!!! I'm a Knicks fan) of Celtics basketball. Pierce, Garnett & Allen, et. al. seem to turn up when the game is on the line. Whether it's Pierce or Allen hitting ridiculous shots, KG with his trademark intensity, Sheed exploding out of nowhere, or any of your other role-palyers turning it on, someone always fills in.

Along with that team solidarity, you guys have the best defensive team I've ever seen. During the Orlando series, I've never seen a team so flustered as I did in Games 1&2. It was as if your team was made out of brick and the Magic were water splashing up against you. Howard was nowhere to be found, threes weren't falling and you guys got easy points in transition and through 2nd-chance points. That said, you're facing a well-oiled machine in the Lakers. When the triangle offense is at its best, there is an open shot at the end of every possession. What you guys need to do is focus on keeping everyone but Kobe Bryant under wraps. There's really no point to trying to stop him. But if you can kill everyone else's game, there's no reason why you shouldn't win. Also, make sure to let Rajon Rondo loose on Derek Fisher. I'm tired of seeing teams sleep on Fisher, only to have him making key plays down the stretch. Defense and a heavy dose of tough love are all you need...

The picture says it all.. This is going to be another rough series

Honestly, I don't like either of you. I despise you, the Lakers and Celtics, for reasons I can't even fathom sometimes. It could be the rings; it could be that both cities PALE in comparison to NYC; It could just be something subconscious. Though, if I had to pick one of you based solely on basketball, it would have to be the Celtics. Lakers, you've shown the world the blueprint on how to beat you. Celtics, I'm not so sure that there is a definite way to beat you, other than to grind it out and pray to the basketball gods. Benchwise, Boston, you've got it. There's too many big bodies coming off the pine that can make up for lack of skill. Plus, I think Sheed is going to have one of his rare 'Really, Sheed?' series', where he defies logic and drops 20 a game again. Lakers, you guys dominated the West, but as many forget, the East is no longer a pushover. Celtics in 6, though even that I'm shaky on. Should be a good series.

P.S.: Check the blog tomorrow for the top moments from this year's playoffs!!!

Dear Dwight Howard & Amar'e Stoudemire

If these are the best that the league has to offer, the big man might be extinct in 20 years...

NOTE FROM EDITOR:This week is a sad, yet exciting week for any basketball junkie.. including myself. With the NBA Finals beginning on Thursday, we've got to recap the playoffs and what we've seen so far. Here's a tribute to the mythical species of skilled big men...

It's a huge honor being called the best big men of this era, but what happens when the title is undeserved? What happens when the dire lack of traditional centers and power forwards places the premium on size, strength and athleticism rather than knowledge of the game, skill and intangibles? What happens when basketball's two best big men.. aren't?

First off, let's get at you Dwight. Yes, I've been your biggest critic since you've gotten to the NBA. But, in all honesty, it's warranted. Dog, you haven't gotten any better since 2004!! It's been 6 years.. 6 seasons in the NBA, and you're still virtually the same player you were when you entered. You still are a dunk and layup machine and can erase damn near every shot thrown at you, yet there are points at which I wonder about your testicular fortitude. Dwight, you can be completely erased from a game, given the proper personnel guarding you. Kendrick Perkins proved it this year. Pau Gasol & Andrew Bynum proved it last year. Rasheed Wallace proved it the year before that AND this year.

You don't look too happy there, Dwight.. Shaq looks the same as he always does: dominant...

Dwight, if someone is rougher than you, you fold. The Playoffs exposed how your team falters when you get taken out of the paint. And you call yourself Superman... Shaq ought to slap the S right off your chest. No, he still can't shoot free throws, but the man has the best post moves I've ever seen. If Shaq is anywhere within 15 feet of the basket, there's little chance of stopping him. I don't think I'll ever be able to say that about you. What makes matters worse is that you have Patrick Ewing on your sideline. Quick history lesson: Patrick Ewing is one of the greatest centers of all time. Had he not (ironically, because he used to live in the paint) missed a layup, we'd probably be talking about him and a Finals ring. Even so, how has none of the man's teaching not rubbed off on you? You don't have a jumpshot, drop step or face-up move to speak of. It's mind-boggling how easy your athleticism could be used with some skill, dude. Seriously, before next season, call Kevin McHale, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Hakeem Olajuwon and Bill Walton, and ask them for some help, because your post game is SAD.

Now, on to you, Amar'e. I've always liked you. You had a fiery demeanor and a 'don't look at me that way, n*gga!' swagger since you were drafted out of high school. At first, you had the Dwight Howard syndrome, with not a move to speak of. Then, I guess playing with Steve Nash rubbed off on you and you developed a nice mid-range jump shot. Kudos. Also, kudos on getting by all of those injuries. There were a good 3 years that I thought your career might be over. That said, you need some coaching on defense. I mean, damn! When your team can't count on you to get a rebound, much less defend their best post player, what really is your purpose for being on the court? You can't be a one-way player as a big man. Maybe it works as a combo guard (see: Jamal Crawford), but as an elite big man, you shouldn't be struggling against mediocre centers.

Nene's good.. But not that good.... Guess he's good enough to make a poster out of you...

I got another bone to pick with you too, Amar'e. What's with you playing the background all the time on your squad? Is Steve Nash that good of a leader or are you just waiting until he retires to take hold of that team? I hate to break it to you, but Steve's only got one hand's worth (at most 5 years) left in the league. He won't be making everything easy for you by tossing the ball exactly where it needs to be for you to score anymore. Things are going to get harder. It would behoove you to grow a pair and start taking over games when necessary. Not as big a beef as Dwight, but think, you probably would have been at Game 7 with the Lakers had you gotten the rebound off Kobe's airball.

To both of you, this letter is a harrowing reminder of what happens when you don't hone your craft as a big man. Guards can get away with specialization, but not franchise-caliber centers. You two are heralded as the best of this generation, but when held up against prior ones, you guys just pale. Shaq, Olajuwon, Ewing and whatever other 90s big men you want to bring up would have dumped on you two in their heydays. That's not to say the two of you won't get better; it's just an observation from a week and a half of watching the two of you play inconsistently. Sigh... Maybe next year...