Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: New Year's

Dear New Year's Resolutions

You and about 10 billion other heads...

It's that time of year again. The time of year when everybody says '20xx is gonna be my year!' or 'let's get it, 20xx' or 'leaving the negative in 20xx, and makes a bunch of you, New Year's Resolutions. Now, there is nothing wrong with trying to improve ourselves, but why do we always wait until a new year to make a list of you guys?? I suppose that the turning of a calendar offers some the hope of a new beginning. That said, why do our grandiose plans and goals have to have a calendar? New Year's Resolutions, you give us a contrived sense of ambition because we see everything in such up-and-down terms.

People, instead of letting their ambition have some sort of continuity, wait until the new year to come up with ways to improve themselves. The problem is, resolutions, that you last as long as the New Year's spirit does: maybe a few days. That's not to say that everyone has the same, weak mental fortitude, but NYR (that's what we're calling you for the rest of the post), how many weight loss, or money management versions have we seen? How many vows to stop drinking or smoking or cursing have passed through the tenet of NYR's?? Hell, an even better question: How many of you have actually been kept until the next new year?? I'd say more resolutions come and go in the first week of the new year than drinks on New Year's Eve. No offense, but this year, instead of making a promise to do something, I'm just going to do the same thing I've been doing, just better. That's a resolution I can keep, and will probably not forget a week later...